The law school will not schedule distance-education sections of required first year courses. This policy does not prevent the law school from accepting distance-education transfer credits or providing remote instruction to particular first year students in unusual circumstances. A distance-education course may be included among the list of spring 1L electives, but no first year student will be required to take a distance-education course.
Quorum Elert Instruction Zip
The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs must approve of any of the courses whose credit hours will count towards the J.D. degree. No course can satisfy more than one requirement for the Certificate. Law students must attend the Certificate seminar (without credit counted toward the J.D.) and complete its assignments to obtain the Certificate. For further information about the Certificate, contact Sustainability Certificate Coordinator Tyra Byers at To apply, follow the instructions at
Near the conclusion of each course, students have the opportunity to evaluate the course and instructor. The primary goal of this process is improvement of instruction. Evaluations are completed anonymously. Evaluations are available to the instructor only after final grades are posted.
This Constitution shall become effective upon approval by a majority of those students voting in an election, with fifty percent of the student body being a quorum, and approval by a majority of those tenure-track faculty members voting at a called faculty meeting.
You may have questions about a specific study, an injury that you think might be related to research, the instructions you received, or a payment. Ask the study doctor or staff all your questions. If you have questions about your rights, or if you have complaints, you can also contact the IRB listed on your copy of the informed consent form.
When starting a Vert.x instance you can instruct it that it requires a quorum before any HA deployments willbe deployed. In this context, a quorum is a minimum number of nodes for a particular group in the cluster.Typically you chose your quorum size to Q = 1 + N/2 where N is the number of nodes in the group. If thereare less than Q nodes in the cluster the HA deployments will undeploy. They will redeploy again if/when aquorum is re-attained. By doing this you can prevent against network partitions, a.k.a. split brain. 2ff7e9595c